What is Labgrown Gemstones?

Labgrown gemstones also referred to as “synthetic,” “lab-created” gemstones. They are in fact real and genuine; just man-made instead of mined from the earth. Believe it or not, lab gemstones are chemically, physically and optically identical to their natural counterparts! Lab-created stones are made in a lab with a similar process as the one that occurs beneath the earth for natural stones. The only difference is that these stones cost much less to make and take less time. Lab-created gemstones may also be referred to as “synthetic,” “artificial,” “man-made,” or “lab-grown”; however, these stones are just as genuine in their characteristics as mined ones. During the creation process, mineral crystals that make up natural gemstones are synthesized, resulting in a stone that can have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as its natural counterpart. This can happen in one of two ways: - **High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT)**: A gemstone seed is placed in carbon and then exposed to extreme pressure and high temperatures that imitate what’s found below the earth’s surface. Once the carbon melts and cools, a crystallized stone is left behind. - **Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)**: A slice of gemstone seed is heated to extreme temperatures in a chamber with gas, such as methane. Then, tiny layers of crystal slowly “grow” onto the seed, eventually forming a full stone. Because they are of comparable quality to natural gemstones for less money, many people shopping for an engagement ring may choose man-made gemstones as a more affordable option since these stones are not as expensive as mined gemstones.